Archive | May 2014

I Have To Start Doing This More

Its like I keep wanting to get back to this, but it is always like “It has been so long, do they even care anymore?” Then it is like it has been so long, do they even remember. Well, I guess there is nothing really like just going ahead and diving right in. I had a lot of good reasons for dropping off for a while. Last year, I was evicted from my apartment after I had been sick for several months and the company that I was working for refused to pay me. I had been in counseling all of last year for my gender issues and got all the way up to blood testing for hrt and lost my job and the place. I had to relocate to a different state with my family and then find a new job. I actually had a few temporary jobs before getting a permanent one. Then I had to wait three months for insurance benefits. I was working for an outsourced company and was hired by the internal company which meant I had to change insurances again. Delays… delays… delays. I don’t mind telling you that it was very nearly all a suicidal situation. Finally, everything got settled down and I was finally was able to start the hormones. That was in February and I have been on them for three months now.

There is the added benefit that everyone in my house hold (including the 12 year old) now calls me Sherry. I don’t full dress out in front of them all the time yet. I am kind of letting everything go natural. My wife’s boyfriend has moved in with us (which is not actually as weird as it may sound) and his work has been a Godsend for the bills. I think that the girls need a strong male influence in their lives and that is simply not me. Surprise.. surprise I guess. The outside world knows very little about my situation but for now I think that is a good thing.

For you girls wondering about how the hormones affect you, I can only really speak from my own experience. Don’t expect miracles, just keep with the process. I have noticed things significantly shrink more than I have noticed anything growing. I am happy that the nipples seem to be flattening out and growing. If you poke them, they are actually tender. Facial hair still grows but it is down pretty dramatically. The main changes have been mental. My brain makes different connections than it used to. It is a different way of thinking. I am not entirely sure that it is better but it is definitely different. I can see a change in my cheeks on my face and if you pay attention, my butt is starting to round out. It is a little different on the backside in that I can grab at it a bit more than I used too. Again, there are no miracles. Set a routine and trust that results will come. I take a lot more pictures of myself these days and if I look back, then I can tell differences. It is a lot like exercising. You have to really forget about results and just concentrate on doing it every day.

I am 39 this year. I have a few things to do this year as far as meeting family and old college friends. I have a couple of trips planned. Very soon, I plan on just being full time at home. I gave it some time to adjust to the new person being in the house and then we can adjust fully to me. After about a year or so of the HRT I hope to be out everywhere by my 40th birthday. The older child is turning 18 in a couple week and she will graduate high school next year. We may move again this summer. As weird as it all sounds, I am just focused on everything going as …natural… as possible… but it is going.